Eco-friendly seasonal gardening tips brought to you by the Brookdale Park Conservancy, providing tips to benefit your garden, wildlife and budget.

Our outreach is inspired by Doug Tallamy, conservationist, author, professor at University of Delaware. He writes that nature's best hope is practicing conservation in our own yards. Lawn acreage in the US (40 million acres) is more than double National Park acreage (less than 20 million). Gardening sustainably in our own yards would create a vast interconnected habitat benefitting all of us, every day, right at home.

FALL season

When the weather cools and leaves begin to fall we itch to “put the garden to bed”, a practice that needs updating. In the park's native plant gardens, we garden sustainably. Translating this into your home garden will help make sure your plants, insects, butterflies and animals overwinter safely.

Why garden sustainably? Pollinators and wildlife are counting on you to let them sleep peacefully through the winter.

Why worry about pollinators? It's a simple equation: 1/3 of what you eat comes from pollination so… no bugs = no food!

Gardening sustainably has many benefits for us and nature:

  • Saves time allowing you to relax and enjoy

  • Nourishes the soil for spring planting

  • Provides wildlife with a home in your yard

  • Gives pleasure as you watch nature’s activity

Take these actions below in your home garden. Be sure to review your plan with your landscaper, if you have one.

September is a great time to plan how you are going to KEEP NATURE IN MIND for the fall season.

Click the magnifying glass for a fun family backyard activity.

Visual proof of the fantastic impact of leaf mulch from Rutgers Master Gardeners Mercer County.