Tour our Pollinator Garden & Monarch Waystation

Tour our Pollinator Garden & Monarch Waystation

The Pollinator Garden and Monarch Waystation is full of beautiful flowers and pollinators right now (July 2023); it was started in 2017 by Jean Greeley, Rutgers Environmental Steward and Master Gardener. The original patch of pollinator plants slowly grew through the years to become a much larger site with four sections, each with its own micro habitat that supports plants with differing needs. 

Discovering Native Spring Flowers in “the Wild”

Discovering Native Spring Flowers in “the Wild”

Even in our very developed suburbs, a few of our natives manage to persist in the “wild,” despite adverse conditions and hungry deer. Of course, never dig up these treasures – just take a photo! Deb Ellis, the Essex Chapter Leader of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey, Master Gardener and Montclair Resident walks us through how to spot and appreciate native spring flowers that you’ll find all around northern New Jersey.