Discovering Native Spring Flowers in “the Wild”

Discovering Native Spring Flowers in “the Wild”

Even in our very developed suburbs, a few of our natives manage to persist in the “wild,” despite adverse conditions and hungry deer. Of course, never dig up these treasures – just take a photo! Deb Ellis, the Essex Chapter Leader of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey, Master Gardener and Montclair Resident walks us through how to spot and appreciate native spring flowers that you’ll find all around northern New Jersey.

Choosing Native Plants for Your Garden

Choosing Native Plants for Your Garden

by Yuliya Bellinger

Designing a garden with native plants is truly a joy. Integrating more native plants in your landscape not only creates a garden that is beautiful but also a garden that supports local wildlife. Their relaxed and delicate nature makes them easy to add into any landscape. Yuliya Bellinger, successful landscape architect and gardening lover shares wisdom on creating your own native plant garden at home.

Pollinators In Winter - Be Amazed

Pollinators In Winter - Be Amazed

by Jean Greeley
Life long nature lover, biologist and master gardener, Jean Greeley conceived and brought to life Brookdale Park's Monarch Waystation & Pollinator Garden. We are thrilled to share her brilliant stories on what is REALLY happening in our winter gardens - be amazed!

Healthy Gardens Start With Healthy Soil

Healthy Gardens Start With Healthy Soil

by Sarah Paulsen
There is an entire ecosystem of billions of microorganisms in the top few inches of soil that work together to create healthy fertile soil. In the park visitor activity strips away (erodes) or crushes (compacts) that essential top layer of soil. We take steps during the winter months to improve the soil in the park. You can improve your soil as well by following our steps, listed below.